2023 presidential race: Group seeks court to compel El-Rufai to contest


Governor Nasir-El-Rufai


A group under the auspices of The Nassiriya Organisation in 21 States of the federation has dragged Kaduna State governor, Nasir El-Rufai, to High Court in Kaduna asking the court to compel him to accept their request for him to join the presidential in 2023 general election.

Addressing Journalists in Kaduna at the weekend, the National Leader of the Nassiriya Organisation and Zonal Vice Chairman of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in the Northwest, Dr. Garkuwa Ibrahim Babuga, said already they had instituted a suit in Kaduna High Court against the governor’s refusal to accept their request.

Babuga said they have no option than to approach the court because they had spoken to the governor on the issue but he had declined their request.

“We also met his parents and relations but we have not gotten a successful answer. We have to go to court. Nigeria is for El-Rufai in 2023.

“El-Rufa’i is fit to be President based on his tract records of achievements. Many people are yearning for the El-Rufai’s Presidency. I don’t have to overblow the trumpet, you all have seen his developmental strides in the FCT and in Kaduna state. He is the best person for the villa in 2023.

“Let’s continue to be loyal and support President Buhari to complete his tenure. But El-Rufai as President and successor to Buhari will further unite Nigeria.

“We are appealing to our elders in the North, please forget party differences, we should join forces and rally round El-Rufa’i so that he contest and win the presidency.

“Although he did not answer our call, we have gone to court so as to compel El-Rufai to vie for the number one seat in Nigeria.

“The next sitting on the matter is on the 2nd of November, 2020. We have sought the legal services of Barrister El-Zubair. We will all be in the court,” he said.

Recalled that El-Rufai’s had said in the media that he was in support of a president from the south come 2023, but he leader of Nassiriya Organization said that was El-Rufai’s opinion at that moment.

“It was his opinion. All we are looking for now, is to drag him into the race. El-Rufa’i will be the best Nigerian President in 2023 by the grace of Allah,” he said. (The Sun)

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