Nigerians condemn Trump’s opposition to Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala’s bid for WTO DG job


Dr. Ngozi_Okonjo-Iweala

Following the United States Government’s opposition to the candidacy of Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala for the director general of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Nigerians have taken to the social media to blast the President Donald Trump-led administration.

While expressing their dismay at the development, given that Okonjo-Iweala had the consensus backing of almost all the nations comprising the WTO, they also charged Nigerians in the US to vote for Trump’s opponent at the presidential polls, Mr. Joe Biden.

Though some Nigerians have already lost hope given that the US is a power bloc, others enthused that the outcome would turn out just like that of Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, who got tenure renewal at the African Development Bank, despite severe opposition from the US government.

While some Nigerians expressed reservations, majority consensus Okonjo-Iweala would emerge first woman and first African to lead the WTO despite opposition from the US government, which is critical of the WTO’s handling of global trade.

@CChukwudebelu wrote, “Whatever happens, Dr. Okonjo-Iweala has demonstrated that she is brilliant, smart and has out of this world international networking skills.

“It is not just her CV, but her understanding of international politics and international political actors.”

Banjo Damilola @RealBanjo wrote, “ love that the US is throwing a tantrum over Okonjo-Iweala’s win. Makes her win even more remarkable. We love to see it!!

@EneyoFenomenon wrote, “@NOIweala has all the requisite skills to reform the WTO, so if the U.S. argument in favour of Yoo Myung-hee is about trade expertise then it falls short clearly. Okonjo meets that.”

@Felix wrote, “ America should not be so self-centered in everything, they should not reject majority’s decision just

for their selfish, greedy sentiment.”

@Leoiiseguan was one the hopefuls. She wrote, “She commands the attention of some very key world leaders and that is essential. Without their support, her CV will not be enough to get her some strategic positions.”

Some wrote philosophical like Mathew Obaga who wrote, “In my other opinion, USA may currently be playing politics of opposition to later blind Nigeria and China to Okonjo Iweala dancing to their tune as US citizen in office of the WTO DG.”

“Can China use Nigeria government on ground of their debts to pull strings of NOI to favour (sic) China government,” he queried .  (ThisDay)

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