Trump’s personal physician speaks on U.S. president’s COVID-19 test, health


US President Trump

The personal physician to President Donald Trump has provided update on the American leader’s coronavirus test as well as his current health status.

In a memorandum for White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, on Friday, Physician Sean Conley said he had “permission” to release information on the development.

“I release the following information with permission of President Doanld J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump,” Mr Conley said.

“This evening I received confirmation that both President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“The President and First Lady are both well at this time, and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence.

“Rest assured I expect the President to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any future developments.”

Mr Trump had earlier on Friday announced that he and his wife tested positive for the virus that has now killed over 208,000 Americans eight months after he first claimed that COVID-19 was “a new hoax’ by members of the Democratic party.

“Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!,” he announced on his Twitter page.

Since February, the president has stoked controversy in his changing stances on the virus, from outright denials to the downplaying of the impact and contagiousness of the disease that has now been contracted by over seven million Americans.

Alongside the Republican party, the president has consistently contradicted medical experts on the handling of the virus.

Against regulations of the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), the president has continued to hold mass rallies, with optional mask-wearing and zero-adherence to social distancing requirements.

Just this week during the presidential debates, President Trump defended his decision to keep holding rallies in spite of the risk to his supporters.

In his responses to questions about mask wearing, the president implied that himself and his team had gotten tested just this Tuesday before the event.

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