Gunmen planning attack to wreck havoc – Police Command raises alarm


The Ekiti State police command, on Wednesday, raised the alarm about plans by unknown gunmen to storm the state and unleash terror on residents across the 16 Local Government Areas of the state.

The police in a statement by the Police Public Relations Officer(PPRO), ASP Sunday Abutu, noted that the command got an intelligence report that these hoodlums would arrive the state in large numbers and launch a serious attack on the residents.

Abutu who did not reveal the places where the hoodlums will be coming from added that the hoodlums would be coming into the state in the groups with one on the pretence of settling down peacefully with members of the communities.

According to him, “It has come to the notice of Ekiti State Police Command through intelligence gathering that some group of persons suspected to be armed hoodlums and criminally minded aliens have concluded their plans to enter Ekiti State in their large number in order to unleash evil, cause havoc and create apprehension.

“Further intelligence gathered has it that the first set of the armed and criminally minded hoodlums will arrive the State with the pretence of settling peacefully with their host communities while the other set will come later to launch an attack and cause havoc.”

While saying the people of the state should panic with the development, the police spokesman solicited cooperation from residents by reporting to the police strange faces and movements of group people into their localities.

He added that the Police Commissioner, Tunde Mobayo, admonished residents of the state to be security conscious, calling on landlords to henceforth scrutinise would-be tenants, ” in order to avoid accommodating or harbouring criminals who may, in turn, threaten the peace of the society.”

“The Command wishes to state that this does not call for panic rather, it is a call for an effective and enhanced Community Policing.

“In view of this, the Commissioner of Police, Ekiti State Command, implores all and sundry to be security conscious, extremely vigilant and report to the police immediately any suspected person or group of persons arriving, residing or found perambulating their environs.  (Nigerian Tribune)

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