Aba: Commercial activities paralysed, as residents complied fully to sit-at-home order

Residents of Aba, Tuesday, complied fully to the sit at home order made by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) to mark this year’s Biafra Day.
Consequently business activities were paralysed, as markets, including Ariaria International market, one of the biggest markets in Nigeria, was locked. Neighborhood shops, commercial banks and schools were also shut.  
Public and private offices were also locked as workers stayed at home, to observe the day, as ordered by the Biafra proponents.
Commercial transport owners and tricycle (Keke) operators also withdrew their vehicles from the road, thereby deepening the protest.
Nnaemeka Nwaiwu, a resident, who spoke to BUSINEESDAY in Aba, observed that the success of the sit at home order was an indication that Ndi Igbo are now speaking with one voice and should be taken seriously by the Federal Government of Nigeria. 
He praised the Biafra agitators for their resilience, especially Nnamdi Kanu, who according to him is leading the crusade for Igbo emancipation.
BUSINESSDAY checks revealed that Aba was peaceful and calm, as people remained indoors, while youths were seen playing football on the streets.
Geoffrey Ogbonna, police public relations officer, Abia State Police command, in a telephone interview also confirmed our correspondent’s report, stating that Aba was calm and that the police did not record any breach of peace in the Aba area of the State.
Recall that Abia State command of the Nigeria Police, warned the Indigenous People of Biafra and the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) to suspend their proposed May 30,  2017, sit at home protest, as the proposed strike was contrary to the law.
However, that warning was not heeded as; Aba residents complied fully to the order of IPOB and MASSOB, by staying at home.
Ogbonna, PPRO , Abia Police command, in a press release, observed that as a sovereign State that there cannot be a republic within a republic.
“In our re-nascent democracy, we are all guided and guarded by one constitution. Even though it guarantees certain fundamental human rights, which include freedom of association, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, among other rights, these must be observed within the confines and provisions of the law itself, without infringing on the rights of others.
“It is naturally expected that nobody should take laws into his/her own hands as to coarse other law abiding citizens into a demonstration under any guise. Specifically, IPOB, MASSOB and other associations thinking along that line are better warned because doing otherwise shall be met with the full weight of the law.
The command enjoined all law abiding and peace loving citizens of the State and residents to go about their lawful businesses without fear of molestation from any quarters, stating that the security architecture put in place by the command is such that would continue to protect the lives and properties of the citizenry. (BusinessDay)

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