Donald Trump accused of sexual assault by former model


A former model has accused Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her at the US Open tennis championship 23 years ago.

Amy Dorris, 48, who lives in Florida, said she felt ‘sick’ and ‘violated’ after the alleged assault in Trump’s VIP box at the tournament in New York on September 5, 1997.

Trump denies the claim.

In an interview with The Guardian, Dorris alleges that Trump forced his tongue down her throat and held her in a ‘tentacle’-like grip that she could not escape from.

‘He just shoved his tongue down my throat and I was pushing him off,’ Dorris said. And then that’s when his grip became tighter and his hands were very gropey and all over my butt, my breasts, my back, everything.

‘I was in his grip, and I couldn’t get out of it. I don’t know what you call that when you’re sticking your tongue just down someone’s throat. But I pushed it out with my teeth. I was pushing it. And I think I might have hurt his tongue.’

Trump’s lawyers have denied ‘in the strongest possible terms’ that the president ever harassed, abused or behaved improperly towards Dorris.

The president’s lawyers told the Guardian that there would have been numerous witnesses to any sexual misconduct in the VIP box.

Dorris, then aged 24, alleges that Trump ‘came on very strong right away’ despite the fact that her boyfriend was sitting with her.

According to her account, she returned from a trip to the bathroom to find Trump forcing himself on her – saying she felt like she was suffocating in his ‘octopus’-like grip.

She alleges that Trump continued to assault her despite her pleading with him to ‘get away’, claiming that the tycoon ‘didn’t care’.

Jason Binn and Donald Trump in New York City circa 2008. Amy Dorris says that her ex-boyfriend Binn introduced her to Trump in 1997

The former model says she felt ‘violated’, but also felt pressured to act normally and continue chatting to guests after the alleged assault.

Dorris says she returned to Trump’s VIP box the following day, claiming that Trump continued to pursue her but did not assault her again.

Other guests in the box are said to have included the actor Leonardo DiCaprio and the illusionist David Blaine.

Dorris says she was in Trump’s presence again two days later at a memorial service for Gianni Versace, the fashion designer shot dead a few weeks earlier.

During her stay in New York, she claims, Trump tried to give the impression that they were a couple. On one occasion they were pictured signing autographs.

Binn, who has not commented on his ex-girlfriend’s claims, is the founder of luxury lifestyle magazines including DuJour magazine.

Trump was pictured watching that year’s US Open with his ex-wife Ivana as well as Dorris, Binn and other guests at the tennis grounds in Queens.

At the time of the alleged assault, Trump was 51 and married to his second wife Marla Maples, whom he married in 1993 and divorced in 1999.

Dorris, who is now a mother to twin daughters, says she considered speaking out in 2016 when numerous women accused Trump of sexual assault in the weeks before the presidential election but was concerned about the harm to her family.

‘Now I feel like my girls are about to turn 13 years old and I want them to know that you don’t let anybody do anything to you that you don’t want,’ she said.

Trump (pictured) has denied in the strongest possible terms having ever harassed, abused or behaved improperly toward Dorris

Some of the previous cases are still being contested in the courts, including an allegation by former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos that he kissed and groped her on two occasions in 2007.

Zervos is suing Trump for defamation for suggesting that she lied when she came forward during the 2016 campaign.

In another case, magazine columnist E. Jean Carroll is seeking Trump’s DNA to support her allegation that he raped her in the 1990s. He denies this.

Another of Trump’s accusers, Jill Harth, sued Trump over sexual assault allegations in 1997, well before he went into politics.

Harth dropped her harassment lawsuit against Trump after he settled a separate breach of contract lawsuit. Trump denied her allegations.

Trump also denies having a consensual affair with porn star Stormy Daniels while married to current first lady Melania Trump.

Daniels was paid $130,000 shortly before the 2016 election to keep her story quiet, in a deal involving Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

Cohen, who was jailed for the campaign finance violation, said he paid the money out of his own pocket and was reimbursed by Trump’s camp.

In a separate case, Playboy model Karen McDougal was paid $150,000 by pro-Trump publisher American Media Inc to bury her story of an alleged affair with Trump, which he denies.

AMI, the owner of the National Enquirer, acknowledged the payment in a non-prosecution agreement with Manhattan investigators.

Dorris’ claim comes just weeks before the November 3 election in which Trump is vying for a second term against Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

Trump’s lawyers suggest that the timing shortly before the election means the new claim could be politically motivated.

Dorris added that she had voted for Republicans in the past and would have come forward even if Trump were a Democrat. (Daily Mail)

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