Miyetti-Allah: Fresh attacks capable of derailing peace talks in Southern Kaduna




The Kaduna State chapter of Miyetti-Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has condemned recent attacks in some communities in Southern Kaduna.

The organisation stated that the renewed attacks were capable of derailing ongoing peace talks in the area.

It cautioned those it labelled as “criminal elements” to refrain from carrying out further attacks in the area.

Miyetti-Allah urged security agencies and Kaduna State Government to ensure that the perpetrators of the recent attacks were brought to book and punished accordingly.

The organisation, which stated that three of its members – Abdullahi Hassan; Yusuf Hassan AbubakarHassan, were killed in the “unprovoked”, blammed people who are “hell bent on sabotaging the peace processes in the area,” for the recent killings.

In a statement by its Director of Media and Publicity, Bayero Zango, Miyetti- Allah said the attacks resulted in the death of three cows while some Fulani pastoralists were chased away from their places of abode.

The statement said: “Our attention has been drawn to the recent attacks on Fulani pastoralists which was carried out by suspected criminals in Atyap Chiefdom at Sagwaza and Kurmin Masara where one Fulani person, AbdulRashid Lawal Malam was killed at Kurmin Masara on Wednesday 9th Sept. 2020.

“Earlier, another incident occurred on Tuesday 8th Sept. 2020 at Sagwaza where some suspected Atyas kataf criminals attacked some innocent Fulani pastoralists and injured one Malam Hassan and his son Musa Hassan who are currently receiving treatment in a private hospital at Zonkwa in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area.

“We condemn this unprovoked attacks by these Atyap criminal elements who are hell bent on sabotaging the peace processes in the area.

“We are appealing to the perpetrators of this attacks to, in the interest peace refrain from these breaches of the peace accord that was reached and respect their leaders and parents who are working day and night to restore peace, law and order in the area. We know they are very peaceful Atyap people and we shall continue to work with them to restore total peace to southern kaduna.

“We are calling on the security agencies and Kaduna State Government to ensure that the perpetrators of these attacks are brought to the book and be punished accordingly.

“We are appealing to our Fulani pastoralists to continue living in peace and be reporting any suspicious movement they may see to security agencies, as well as give maximum cooperation in order to restore lasting peace in the area.

“We also wish to express our heart felt- appreciation to the Commander of Operation Safe Haven,Major General Chukwuemeka Okwonkwo,his men and the special forces for the quick response to all the scene of the attacks.

“The quick response no doubt,prevented escalation and less casualty. The commander has restored our lost of confidence on security agencies due to his neutrality and fairness to all.

“Honestly the response and actions we are getting from security agencies now is different from what we used to see in the past.

“We also wish to express our appreciation to Rev. (Dr.) Yakubu Pam, Chairman, Northern Christians Association of Nigeria who is also the Executive Secretary National Christians Pilgrims Commission for committing himself to ensuring peaceful coexistence return to Southern Kaduna by organizing a three day Peace Summit at Kafanchan.

“We considered this singular action that Rev. Yakubu Pam initiated as a welcome development that should be encouraged and supported by all the good people of Southern Kaduna.

“We are calling on the good people of Southern Kaduna both Muslims and Christians who are involved in peace building to remain focused and resolute.

“We should not be distracted by these criminal elements who are bent on sabotaging the efforts of the security agencies and well meaning Nigerians who are working assiduously to ensure peace in Southern Kaduna.

“We also strongly commend the efforts and commitment of the Kaduna State governor, Malam Nasir Ahmed El Rufa, for demonstrating deep commitment in bringing to an end the killings in the area through his quick response and for supporting all the peace processes in Southern Kaduna.

“Your Excellency, we are grateful and calling on the good people of Southern Kaduna to give the governor the support needed in bringing a lasting peace and tranquility in Southern Kaduna and Kaduna State in general.” (The Nation)

5 thoughts on “Miyetti-Allah: Fresh attacks capable of derailing peace talks in Southern Kaduna

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