Students threaten massive action over fuel price hike




The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) announced on Sunday that it has commenced high level consultations with relevant civic organisations and bodies with a view to forcing the Federal Government to rescind its decision on increments introduced recently on some essential services.

NANS Vice President Ojo Raymond, in a statement released in Abuja on Sunday, accused the Federal Government of being insensitive to the plight of Nigerians, particularly at a period when the COVID-19 pandemic has affected peoples’ sources of livelihood.

He petitioned President Muhammadu Buhari that Nigerians are unhappy with the increase in the price of fuel, electricity tariffs, cable TV subscriptions, and other ‘anti-people policies’ which has resulted in the commensurate increase in prices of other essential commodities.

The group’s statement reads:

‘Nigerians are not happy with the increment in electricity tariff, cable subscription and the latest pump price. Again, interest on savings in banks has been satanically reduced to 1.25 percent from 3.75 percent while inflation is rising above bearable level due to the free fall of the Naira, our local currency against the dollar.

‘Unemployment has become a bane in our nation as there are no longer opportunities for the productive youths to get engaged in order to revitalise the economy.

‘Considering the effect of the lockdown brought about by COVID-19 pandemic, it’s unthinkable that Nigerian government, instead of stimulating the economy and supporting citizens with policies and programmes that ameliorates their dwindling means of livelihood, will now aggravate peoples hardship through harsh economic policies. This is totally unacceptable.

‘Though the President Buhari led administration was focused on removing subsidy on petroleum, the right time to effect such is definitely not now when families are yet to recover from months of inactivity, and businesses badly affected due to COVID-19. Nigerians are suffering already and do not deserve any further hardship from a government they so believed will alleviate their suffering.

‘As an organisation, we have sound economists who can help shift government attention to areas where the economy of our nation can be sustainable.’

The student body reminded the Federal Government that they met the pump price of petrol at N87 and advised that the government reverse it to N100 per litre to enable citizens cope with their daily obligations. (Sunday Sun)

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