Police arrest seven suspects over attack on Abiola’s home


Lagos State Police Command has arrested no fewer than seven persons over an attack on the home of the late Chief Moshood Abiola, the acclaimed winner of June 12, 1993 presidential election, in the wee hours of Tuesday.

Some suspected armed robbers had burgled Abiola’s family home in Lagos and made away with valuables.

Although the hoodlums subjected the family to emotional torture and harassment before stealing cash and other valuable items, no life was lost in the operation.

The robbers were said to have accessed the residence through the canal before scaling the high-rise fence into the compound.

A press statement by Ms. Tundun Abiola for the family said: “In the early hours of Tuesday, September 2, armed men invaded and ransacked the residence of Chief MKO Abiola in Ikeja, Lagos.

“The hoodlums subjected the family to extreme emotional torture and harassment and stole cash and other valuable items belonging to the family.

“The police have since been informed. The crime is being investigated. We are consoled by the fact that no life was lost in this unfortunate and frightening incident.”

Acting on a report from the family, the police said they began an investigation that led to the arrest of seven persons, including the domestic workers in the residence.

Alluding to insider connivance, the police said they arrested persons of interest that would help them unravel the case.

Already, the arrested persons are undergoing questioning at the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

Confirming the incident, the state Police Commissioner, Mr. Hakeem Odumosu, who visited the crime scene, said there was no physical assault or injury on occupants of the building.

He said: “Yes, robbers went there and carted away an unspecified amount of jewelry and some money. I was there personally and I spoke with the mama.

“There was no physical assault on her or the two daughters who were home. I know that some suspects are in custody but I have not been fully briefed on the number of people arrested.

“Some of the domestic staff were also arrested. The security on the ground did not alert the police or any security agency when the incident was going on.

“They said they noticed unusual movement within the compound at the time, but did not inform us. The police were only told several hours after the robbery.

“The robbers were alleged to be three and came in through the canal and scaled the fence, carried out the act and left. The occupants said one of them was armed but there was no gunshot.

“We are suspecting elements of connivance. We are working on all fronts. Investigations have already commenced.”   (Text, excluding headline, courtesy ThisDay)

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