Families of slain Akinyele victims cry for justice


The families of the slain victims of Akinyele Local Government Area, Ibadan, Oyo State, have demanded true justice over the killing of their loved ones.

Barakat Bello, mother of Mrs. Rasheedat Bello, one of the victims, who was at the Oyo State Police Command Headquarters, Eleyele, Ibadan, on Friday, alongside her husband, Bello, called on the police and relevant authorities to let justice prevail on the murder of her daughter.

She said: “The suspected killer has done the worst by killing my daughter. I have just two children, the late Barakat and her younger sister. Now that the suspect has been arrested, they cannot bring back my daughter. “We are poor, we don’t have money to do any case. But, we have God. I beg all the relevant authorities on this case to please let justice prevail.

“The killer has taken away my joy and happiness by killing my daughter, who was a source of joy and happiness to me before she was brutally murdered. So, I will like justice to take its course over the killer of my daughter, until her death, my daughter used to be a brilliant and a gentle girl.”

Ridwanulahi Adewale, husband to the late pregnant woman, Azeezat Shomuyiwa, could not hold back tears while speaking with journalists on the incident.

He said: “I’m more than devastated. My wife and I have been together for long, and for me to just lose her like that, it’s something that I will live to mourn for a long period of time.

“My wife and I had already had one issue. We were expecting a baby soon. She was murdered in her cold blood for no reason. She left me, her aged parents, and her child. It’s so sad, she was murdered with a heavy pregnancy.

“I commend the Oyo State Police Command for the efforts to arrest those behind the killing of my wife. But, I want true justice to prevail over this case, because I have the feelings that the prime suspect was sent by someone, and he had said it was the herbalist that sent him. But, the old man is denying the boy now.”

Meanwhile, the Oyo State Police Command, on Friday, paraded three people in connection with the killings at Akinyele Local Government Area of Ibadan.

Briefing journalists at the Command Headquartres, Eleyele, Ibadan, on the development, the State Commissioner of Police (CP), Joe Nwachukwu Enwowu, said the command had to embarked on an aggressive and sustainable community policing strategy, coupled with the cooperation of the affected community leaders, the concerted efforts put up by officers and men of the command and also the unflinching support of the Oyo State government and the support received by the good people of Oyo State eventually paid off in arresting those suspected criminals.

The suspects were paraded alongside 16 others that allegedly committed various offenses such as armed robbery, defilements, rape, murder attempt and an Indian hemp dealer.   (Sunday Independent)

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