COVID-19 patients on rampage in Abuja isolation centre, want quick discharge


Some patients at the Treatment Centre in Asokoro District Hospital, Abuja, on Sunday, went on a rampage, asking that they be discharged despite the fact that they were yet to satisfy the necessary medical requirements.

This is even as the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) announced the discharge of 39 persons from its treatment centres, having repeatedly tested negative to the disease after days of treatment. It recorded seven new cases and three deaths on Saturday, bringing FCT’s total number of confirmed cases to 343.

A source told newsmen that the protesting patients usually become carefree after the results of their first round of tests turn out negative, only for their confirmatory tests to turn out positive again.

The source said: “There is tension in our facility here this (Sunday) morning. Some boys from…were protesting that they wanted to leave. Some of them said they have stayed too long here, that is over two weeks, and that they are now well.

“Their anger was triggered because some other persons tested negative twice and have been discharged. The problem is that some of them live recklessly here and they get reinfected and test positive again after testing negative in their first confirmation test, while some of them have never tested negative even after more than two tests. Now, doctors cannot come and attend to us because of what these guys are putting up here. Even food, we have not gotten so we can’t take our drugs.

“The health workers and staff are really trying, but some of the boys are unruly. Even if they have a valid point they are going about it the wrong way because these health workers are taking good care of them and working hard to decongest this place.

“The only fault I see here is, when they conduct tests, they don’t communicate the results to us. The only thing you would see is that they just come and add to your medicines. The officials also need to change tactics and strategies, like revealing the results to us promptly and communicating to us very well because of the illiterate guys among us.”

Millions of Europeans were preparing for a return to partial normality yesterday, a day before officials relaxed some of world’s harshest coronavirus lockdown measures.

But the risk of a deadly second wave was underscored by the resurgence of the virus in South Korea’s capital, Seoul, where all bars and clubs were shut after dozens of confirmed cases emerged.

China, yesterday, reported the first infection in Wuhan, the city where the outbreak first started last year.

With millions out of work, and economies flatlining, including in the Umited States, where 20 million lost their jobs in April, governments are desperate to reopen, but most are choosing a gradual approach.

European officials have been emboldened by declining death rates, France’s toll of 80 yesterday was its lowest since early April and Spain’s daily fatalities have dropped below 200. Belgium, Germany and Greece are among other European nations set to ease their lockdowns today.

The Middle East’s most-affected country, Iran, has also relaxed its lockdown measures and bazzars and shopping centres in the capital Tehrab were bustling again after being nearly deserted for weeks, much to the annoyance of some.  (Daily Sun)

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