COVID-19: Kwara State govt imposes curfew, bars inter-LG travels


•Governor Abdulraman AbdulRazaq of Kwara State

Kwara State Government has announced additional measures to curtail community transmission of COVID-19 pandemic in the state, insisting that the recent relax of the lockdown does not mean that the state was out of the wood.

The government meanwhile has discharged yet another six COVID-19 patients who have twice tested negative – two weeks after it discharged two former patients.

With the six patients being discharged, Kwara now has eight active cases of COVID-19 – down from 14 just yesterday.

Regardless, the government warned people against letting down their guards as the level of threat of infection remains high across the country.

“Effective from tomorrow Monday May 4, there will be statewide curfew between 6p.m. and 6.a.m. until further notice. This is part of the agreement of the Northern Governors Forum (NGF) to prevent non-essential and unauthorised movement that could spike infection rate,” Rafiu Ajakaye, spokesman of the Governor and Kwara State Technical Committee on COVID-19, said in a statement on Sunday.

“Also, in addition to the measures earlier announced on Friday May 1, the government hereby bans travels/movement from one local government to the other. This is especially true of local governments with clear borders.”

The statement said other measures earlier announced remain in force but are subject to constant reviews if the government fears increased threat of transmission in the state.

“We repeat that we are not in any way out of the danger of this pandemic. The government will be as flexible as practicable in the phased reopening of the economy but it will at all times prioritise protection of lives. In other words, the level of threats of the virus will determine government’s response from time to time,” the statement said.

“The government directs residents without something specific and urgent to do outside to stay at home. The government also insists that anyone who wants to go out must use face mask.”

4 thoughts on “COVID-19: Kwara State govt imposes curfew, bars inter-LG travels

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