Air Disaster Averted As Abuja Bound British Airways Plane Loses Engine Mid Air…returns to London


A British Airways flight heading to Abuja from London on Tuesday returned to Heathrow Airport after the plane lost one of its engines mid-air.

The airline confirmed that BA 083 flight returned to Heathrow and was met by the emergency services as a precaution measure after what it called “a minor technical issue.”

In a confirmatory mail sent to THISDAY Newspapers, the airline said, “For your information, the aircraft experienced a minor technical issue and our pilots elected to return to Heathrow. In terms of the emergency services meeting the aircraft, this is standard practice.

“Our aircraft returned to Heathrow and was met by the emergency services as a precaution after experiencing a minor technical issue.

Our teams looked after our customers last night, providing them with overnight accommodation. We’re sorry to our customers for the delay to their travel plans. (sic)”

The aircraft, which took off from London on Tuesday, executed a return after losing an engine mid-flight after the pilot had announced that the flight would be returning to its port of departure.

The airline later confirmed that BA 083 flight returned to Heathrow and was met by the emergency services as a precautionary measure after the technical hitches.

“The aircraft experienced a minor technical issue and our pilots elected to return to Heathrow,” it said in a statement.

“In terms of the emergency services meeting the aircraft, this is standard practice. Our aircraft returned to Heathrow and was met by the emergency services as a precaution after experiencing a minor technical issue. Our teams looked after our customers last night, providing them with overnight accommodation.

We’re sorry to our customers for the delay to their travel plans.”

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