Police, ICPC partner on forensic infrastructure, analysis


The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mr Mohammed Adamu, said the police will support the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) in forensic analysis.
Adamu disclosed this in Abuja when members of the board of the ICPC led by its chairman, Prof Bolaji Owasanoye, paid him courtesy visit.
He said the police had the capacity for forensic analysis and pledged to make the infrastructure and services available to the commission at any time.
The IGP assured the board members of the commitment of the police to collaborate with the commission in the provision of needed personnel and other areas to support its operations.
He said that corruption was one of the most dangerous crimes that when allowed to flourish, affects every sector of the country.
Adamu said the ICPC must be up and doing in collaboration with other agencies in the fight against corruption in the country.
“We need your support to remove that perception of corruption as it affects the police because it is something that is associated with the activities of the police all the time.
“This has made the police to create some units to deal with the issue of corruption.
“Apart from the online platforms for the report of activities of police officers, there is the Police Service Commission responsible for checking the conducts of police officers.
“All these structure are there to assist in removing corrupt officers and the perception of corruption that is associated with the police,” he said.
Owasanoye said the police was a major stakeholder in the operations of the ICPC, adding that the visit was to strengthen the relationship between the two agencies.
He solicited the support of the police in forensic analysis and deployment of armed police officers to state offices of the commission.
The board chairman advocated for a campaign in collaboration with the police to deal with public perception about police and corruption.
He said the campaign would be designed to inform the public on what is being done to fight corruption in the police force.

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